How is Glaucoma Treated?
Medical therapies, either prescribed eye drops or laser trabeculoplasty (SLT/MLT) treatments, are the primary methods of treating glaucoma. Surgical interventions are typically reserved for more advanced or resistant cases, however, procedures combined during cataract surgeries can assist in eye pressure reduction. The goal of any of these treatments is to lower the pressure within the eye to allow for better blood flow and circulation to the optic nerve by either reducing the amount of aqueous fluid produced within the eye or by increasing the outflow of aqueous.
There are many choices available for glaucoma eye drop medications and some medication "classes" work better for particular patients with certain classes being potentially harmful. Dr. Conley assesses the underlying cause(s) of your glaucoma and selects the best medication based on those findings. Every effort is made to find the most cost-effective medication or combination of medications to manage this chronic condition. Patient comfort with not only the drug itself, but also the impact of its expense has been known to dictate successful vs. unsuccessful adherence to the treatment plan. Glaucoma deteriorates the optic nerve structure and functionality, ultimately leading to vision loss which is often devastating and irreversible. At Conley Eye Care, we emphasize prevention and targeted control to maximize outcomes, for you, our patients.

Glaucoma eye drops are typically well tolerated and do not cause severe side effects. In severe cases, oral glaucoma medications can be prescribed when eye drops are not effective or poorly tolerated. Surgical procedures become the next stage if topical or oral medications fail to achieve results.
A diagnosis of pre-glaucoma or definitive glaucoma requires regular check-ups to assess pressure measurements and optic nerve integrity so that we can ensure your eyes stay as healthy as possible. With advanced imaging and visual analysis testing available at Conley Eye Care, we can provide glaucoma management designed to stabilize this condition.
If you have family history of glaucoma or have concerns about your risk for glaucoma development, schedule a consultation today with Dr. Conley. With few exceptions, glaucoma has no symptoms until visual loss is noticed very late in the course of the disease. Detecting glaucoma at its earliest allows for intervention that provides the best opportunity for visual stability.